Exercise & Pregnancy: Why it’s beneficial and what you can do

during pregnancy can be beneficial in many ways, not only by keeping certain
pregnancy conditions at bay but also by making you feel better about yourself.
Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t put away the gym sneakers just yet.

  • Energy
    Booster- Pregnancy can wipe you out, consuming most of your daily energy to
    complete tasks. Even small bouts of exercise can make you feel energized. With muscles that are
    strong and toned, you need less effort to engage in any activity, whether that
    means grocery shopping or sitting through meetings at the office.  According to the American
    College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), you can safely take part in
    30 minutes or more of moderate exercise every day, as long as you don’t have a
    medical condition or complication that your doctor or midwife has told you
    rules out exercise or limits your activity level.

  • Better Sleep- When you’re carrying an extra 15
    pounds (or more!) in front of you, finding a comfortable sleeping position can
    be a real challenge. But exercise will help you work off any excess energy and
    tire you enough to lull you into a more restful sleep.

  • Reduce Discomfort- Stretching and strengthening can
    better help the body adjust to the normal aches and pains of pregnancy. For
    example: Stretches ease back pain, walking improves your circulation,
    and swimming can strengthen your
    abdominal muscles.

  • Preparation for childbirth- The better shape you’re
    in, the better off you’ll be when you go in to labor. The birthing process
    takes strength, stamina and determination. 
    Exercising while pregnant can ease and shorten the length of delivery.

  • Reduces stress- Having a child is a life changing
    event that brings about so many emotions, experiencing highs and lows. It’s been
    found that exercise boosts levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to
    mood, putting you in better spirits.

  • Improving self-image- Staying active helps you feel
    better about yourself and improves your odds of gaining a healthy
    amount of weight

  • Your body after childbirth-When you’ve maintained
    your strength and muscle tone all through your pregnancy, your body will have
    an easier time bouncing back after you give birth. You’ll also gain less
    surplus weight if you exercise during your pregnancy.

Some of the
best exercises to start or stick with are walking, low impact aerobics,
swimming, prenatal yoga and stretching, whether you’re a beginner to the
exercise world or have been active all along.
If you
exercised regularly before getting pregnant and your pregnancy is
uncomplicated, you can most likely continue working out as before. In some
cases it’s not
okay to exercise during pregnancy
, though, so talk to your doctor or midwife about
your fitness routine to make sure your activities don’t put you or your baby at

Blog post by Farran Jalbert.