Yoga Pose of the Week: Plank Pose

Plank pose is a staple to any yoga practice or
workout routine and while it may seem simple, it works many different muscles
groups and it’s important to make sure you’re doing it correctly!
Benefits of plank include strengthening the
arms, core and lower back and doing this pose regularly can help lengthen the
spine and improve posture.

Plank Pose



  • Begin on hands and knees making sure your hands are aligned directly under
    your shoulders, fingers spread wide.
  • Engage your core and keep your head in a neutral position.  (Don’t allow your
    chest or stomach to sink down!)
  • Step back one foot at a time, toes curled under and pressing back through
    your heels.
  • Your body should be in one straight line from the top of your head down to
    your heels.
  • Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths, lower down and repeat.

Modified Plank

If you are working with any wrist issues, this
pose can be done on the forearms.  In
this variation your elbows should be lined up under your shoulders – it’s also
a great shoulder stretch!
If you are working on building up your core and
back strength, a good place to start is a plank variation with your knees on
the ground – if you’re knees are sensitive place a folded towel or blanket
under them.

Challenge Yourself

To add some additional strengthening to your
plank pose try some crunches! 
Begin in a plank position, lift your right leg a
few inches and bring your right knee towards your nose.  Extend it back to the starting position.  Bring your right knee towards your right
elbow, extend it back and then bring your right knee towards your left
elbow.  Extend it back, lower it down to
the original plank position and repeat on the other side.

Planks are a simple pose, but done correctly and
regularly it offers tremendous benefits and is a great addition to any workout
Blog post by Danielle Nardi.