Go With the Flow

Finally we are starting to get some nice weather as well as a little sun.
Along with the nice weather comes keeping hydrated. Whether you are preparing
to run a 5k or just going for a walk along the beach you want to make sure you
are keep your body hydrated and fueled with water.
Water is one of the most essential nutrients for our body. Our bodies
could survive without food for about 2 weeks but could only last no more than a
week without water. It is responsible for many of our body functions so no
wonder it is so important. Water is also good for keeping a healthy weight: its
calorie free, sugar free, and has no caffeine.
Sometimes drinking water can seem a little bland since it is tasteless.
We must remember that we need water to keep moving. Here are some tips to
including more water into your diet during these hot months ahead:
  • Add fruit to your water: You can do this
    by either just putting the fruit into your glass of water like a lemon or a
    lime or you could use an ice cube tray and put a slice of fruit in each spot
    then fill with water. It will keep your water flavorful throughout the day.
  • Get a bottle that shows measurements on
    the side: You will be more likely to drink the right amount of water if you
    know how much you are actually drinking. The recommended amount of water for
    men is about 3 Liters and for women about 2.2 Liters.
  • Eat foods that have high water content:
    Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins/minerals as well as water. Try
    some watermelon, cantaloupe, or grapes on a sunny day to get some water intake.
  • Keep your water close: For many people,
    having water in front of them is a sure way to remind them to drink more water
    throughout the day. If you work at a desk then make sure you keep you water out
    in the open as a friendly reminder. You can always make sure you carry a bottle
    of water around with you if you are on the move all day.
  • If water is too blah for you, trying
    sparkling water that has a little bit of flavor in it. Any water is better than
    no water!
  • Set a reminder on your phone: If you are
    one of those people that is too busy to even thinking about having a drink of
    water throughout the day then set an alarm or reminder on your phone to keep
    you hydrated.
  • Hydrate before, during, and after
    exercise: Keep hydrated throughout your workout and don’t forget the water.
    Even if you are not feeling thirsty, it is a good idea to take a few sips of it
    to keep you going.

Just keep hydrating and enjoy the nice weather that is ahead!

post by Krista Post.