The Benefits of a Superset Workout

What Is a Superset

A Superset workout is comprised of two
exercises combined into one full set with no rest in-between.

Benefits of a Superset Workout

Supersets may provide a metabolic
benefit. Researchers have found that participants performing supersets had a
higher total energy expenditure compared to the participants who did not
perform supersets. Additionally, post-exercise oxygen consumption and blood
lactate levels were higher post-workout in the superset group, which suggests
these subjects to have longer elevated energy expenditure meaning they will
burn calories longer. Moving more in less time with less rest will often equate
to increased energy expenditure by increasing heartrate and workout intensity.

Supersets can help keep your workouts
shorter. Most of the studies on supersets are “super small” but according to a
study published in The European Journal
Of Applied Physiology
supersets can cut down on training time without
losing effectiveness and doing supersets of the same muscles led to a greater
muscular effort and strength gain than working different muscle groups, per a
Journal Of Strength And Conditioning
Supersets can create an increased
hypertrophy by providing an additional stimulus for muscle growth that single
sets may not do.

Types of Superset Workouts

Things to consider when putting
exercises together for supersets are the amount of weight and repetitions used
as well as the exercises selected depending on goals.
Antagonist /Opposite Muscle Group
Possibly the most common form of
supersetting is agonist antagonist style training. This is the combination of
two exercises that utilize opposing muscle groups. For example, you will pair a
push with a pull exercise to work your anterior/posterior muscles in opposition.
Another example would be a bicep curl followed by a tricep extension. An
advantage to adding these to your workouts is that your muscles will recover
faster in between sets. When one muscle group is being contracted (shortened)
the opposite muscle relaxes (lengthens), reducing the need for a break or rest
time between exercises.
Agonist/Same or Simular Muscle Group
This is where both exercises work the
same muscle groups. For example a push-up uses pectorals and triceps followed
by a tricep extension or chest fly. This is great for adding intensity and
volume to a workout as well as focusing on particular muscle groups. It is the
most demanding type of superset. This type of superset may also be called
compound sets.
Unrelated Muscle Group Sets
This is where the two exercises use totally
different muscle groups.  Exercises may
alternate a lower body exercise followed by an upper body exercise. An example
of this would be Squats followed by Lat Pulldowns. The primary advantage of
this type of superset is that there is no loss of strength in going from one
exercise to the other. The muscle group rests while to are doing a completely
different muscle group.
post by Ally Wilson.