What’s Really In Your Easter Basket?

Happy Spring! Easter is right around the corner and for many of us that
means candy and lots of it. The bunny is known for bringing candy that is
festive, fun, colorful, and sometimes downright irresistible! One of the main
issues with Easter candy is the amount of sugar used in them. Another problem
is the amount of calories that can be found in just one piece of those candies.
Here are a few examples:
*Keep in mind that the daily allowance of sugar intake for men is 37
grams and for women 25 grams*
  • Peeps: 130 calories for 4 Peeps and 34 g
    of sugar
  • Cadbury Crème Egg: 150 calories and 20 g
    of sugar
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg: 180 calories
    and 16 g of sugar
  • Jelly beans: 35 for 140 calories and 32
    grams of sugar

All these servings may cost you calories that you don’t want or need.
If you do want to indulge in some Easter candy make sure it is in moderation.
That means you probably don’t want to eat a whole pack of 24 peeps as tempting
as it sounds! Another idea is to change up what you are eating for Easter
snacks and fill Easter baskets with some healthier options available. Here are
some ideas:
  • Bunny Graham crackers
  • Chocolate covered fruit
  • Fruit snacks (organic) : Opt for the
    ones with less sugar and no food coloring or artificial preservatives
  • Yogurt covered raisins or cranberries
  • Dark chocolate (in moderation of course)
  • Trail mix
  • Homemade goodies: These are great
    because you can choose the ingredients that are going inside your baked goods.
    Try making some oatmeal cookies or even healthy rice krispy treats shaped as
    bunnies. You can easily swap out certain ingredients when baking to make your
    Easter treats healthier.

Just keep in mind if you are eating any sweets then it should be in moderation. Don’t overindulge just because it’s a
holiday! Enjoy and Happy Easter!

post by Krista Post.