Dynamic Golf Warm Up

Do you warm up before playing golf?  

A good warm up is important for preventing injuries and preparing your body to perform. Next time you head out to the course, try these sport-specific, dynamic stretches. Warm up by walking for 3-5 minutes.
Perform 10 repetitions of each exercise. Gradually move through greater range
of motion. Do not perform any exercise that causes or increases pain.

Crossover Pass

Hold your golf club in one
hand and extend your arm to the side. Pass the club over your head to the other
hand. Extend the other arm. Follow the exchange with your head.

Side Bending

Hold your golf club in
both hands over your head.  Bend to one
side. Return to original position. Bend to the other side.

Front Bending

Stand with your golf clubs
behind your back in both hands with your arms shoulder width apart. Bend
forward and lift your arms over your back.

Around the Body

Hold your golf club in
both hands as wide as possible. Rotate the club around your head clockwise. Repeat

Hip Rotation

Hold the club upside down
with the grip end planted firmly on the ground. Stabilize your upper body and rotate
your hips. (Remember: We want rotary motion, not lateral!)

Squat and Twist

Hold your golf club in
both hands and extend your arms straight in front of your body. Squat and turn
your hands so that your right hand is on top and left hand is on bottom. Return
to standing. Repeat with the left hand on top.


Golf Swing Twist

Hold your golf club in
both hands and extend your arms straight in front of your body. Continue to
hold the club in front of you and twist your body side to side as if your lower
body was going through the golf swing.

and Turn

your golf club on your shoulders, holding onto it with both hands. Step forward
with your left leg into a lunge and rotate your upper body to the left. Return
to the starting position. Repeat to the other side.

Leg Swings (2 Directions)

Hold the club upside down
with the grip end planted firmly on the ground. Stand on your left leg and
swing your right leg front and back. Repeat on the other leg. Then perform the
same exercise swinging your leg left to right, crossing in front of your
stabilizing leg. Repeat on the other leg.

For a
more personalized warm up routine, schedule your Golf Fitness Assessment with
one of our TPI Certified Professionals:

Blog post by Jen Skiba.