The Importance of Sleep for both Mental and Physical Health

We spend, on average, one third of our
lives sleeping. Given the fact we spend so much time doing it, we should
recognize the importance it holds in our lives. Sleep is an integral component
of our mental and physical health. 
Learning to sleep well will produce benefits in these realms of our


The average person should be getting 7-8
hours of sleep each day. A lack of sleep can suppress the amount of growth
hormone released from the brain, which is essential for building and
maintaining tissue in the body. Optimal physical growth and maintenance can
never be achieved without a healthy amount of sleep. Also during sleep, heart
and blood vessels are repaired. Sleep deprivation can therefore be connected to
heart disease, stroke, diabetes and many more serious physical issues.


Sleep deprivation affects mental health
as much as physical health. It reduces the awareness and functional capacity of
humans, which can cause many dangers to not only one’s self but to others. It
affects clarity of thought, memory, and general functionality throughout the
day. Sleep deprivation also contributes to a lack of emotional regulation.

to help you sleep better:

  • There are many potential factors that
    can prevent a good night’s sleep, but high stress is one of the leading causes
    of sleep deprivation. One way to combat this stress is exercise. Exercise also
    promotes sleep by increasing adenosine production.
  • Another way to combat stress is creating
    a relaxing nightly routine. Some people benefit from stretching or reading a
    book before bed to help their mind and body relax.
  • Try to keep away from blight light
    sources, such as laptops, for at least two hours before sleeping. Blue light
    disrupts the production of melatonin, which is the chemical responsible for
    making you feel sleepy.
  • There are many apps today that allow you
    to monitor your sleep and track sleep cycles. They also give more information
    on individual sleep patterns and needs. Applications can help remind you to go
    to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning
    in order to properly complete REM sleep cycles.
  • Prioritizing sleep in addition to other
    healthy habits will ensure you recover well from your work outs, and feel
    positive and energized!

post by David Reme.

Maintaining Healthy Routines in Quarantine

In these unusual times it can be
difficult to maintain our regular healthy routines.  Our daily lives have been disrupted and now
home is also the gym and work and our favorite coffee shop. We are accustomed
to our homes being places of rest and rejuvenation and they now must also be
places of productivity. If you find that you are struggling to achieve your
mental and physical goals during this time, here are some tips to help you
schedule your day and create new routines to benefit your health.


Try to go to sleep and wake up at the
times you normally would. It may seem easy to go to bed a little later, but a
couple of hours difference can throw off your schedule significantly. Not
getting enough sleep or sleeping too late into the day can throw off your
body’s circadian rhythm. If you end up not getting enough sleep, a short nap
can help you feel more rested and energized. However, napping for too long or
too often can detract from your nighttime sleep. Shoot for around 20 minutes.
If you don’t normally sleep enough and find yourself relying on caffeine to get
through the day, this could be a great opportunity to adopt a healthier sleep
schedule. The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep to function well and
promote health, especially during times of stress. Be mindful of your body’s
needs and sleep your way to better health.


With increased time at home, bad eating
habits can arise. It is easy to snack throughout the day when there is full
access to food in the next room. Eating full meals at planned times can help
you establish boundaries that will prevent excessive snacking, and ensure you
are staying well nourished. It is also a great opportunity to try new recipes
that may have taken too long to prepare under normal circumstances. Spending
more time at home does not mean we have to stop trying new things and being
creative. Along with eating, it is important to continue to hydrate as you
normally would. Keeping a water bottle by your side is a good reminder to drink
throughout the day.


Scheduling out specific activities day
to day can be helpful while spending so much time in your home. Make a list of
tasks and goals you would like to accomplish throughout the week to help
prevent boredom and the feeling that you’ve wasted time. A list is a great tool
to remind you of your goals when you don’t know what to do next. It can also
help steer you away from excessive screen time. Each day pick a few things from
your list to get done and alternate productive tasks with enjoyable activities
or hobbies. To switch up your daily schedule or to take a break from indoor
tasks, track the weather and make plans for outdoor activities on the most
appropriate days. The increased time at home is a perfect opportunity to
continue or try new hobbies. Exercise, reading, crafting, and cooking are just
a few examples of activities that can be taken up in the home.
The important thing during this time is
to maintain your mental and physical health. Do not overwhelm yourself with
unrealistic tasks or expectations but try to keep your mind and body engaged
each day.
Stay safe and healthy so you can hop
right back into your normal routine when quarantine is over!
post by David Reme.