Make Interval Training Work for You

High Intensity Interval
Training (HIIT), and other acronyms/names for interval workouts (tabatas,
anyone?), have become de rigueur
among fitness enthusiasts and trainers lately, and no wonder. The workouts,
which include brief periods of a burst of high intensity exercise, followed by
a set period of lower intensity “recovery” exercise, or even complete rest, are
shown to be quick, efficient, and they leave those doing the workouts feeling
like they’ve really killed themselves (in that way that fitness fiends and
athletes love).

The benefits of interval training are
pretty attractive, too. The high intensities push your heart rate up, helping
to improve your cardiovascular fitness (in some cases, even doubling your aerobic endurance
capacity); you can accomplish higher training levels (i.e. run farther at
higher intensities) because you allow your body to recover a bit in between
bouts; and it’s been shown in studies to improve time-trial performances (in
other words, can help you hit that PR you’re aiming for in a race). 

Chemically/metabolically, it’s helped improve muscle oxidative potential,
muscle buffering capacity, and muscle glycogen content–fancy ways of saying it
helps delay fatigue by getting the muscles to store/use energy more

The trick to intervals is
knowing what you’re training for, since the intensity/rest ratios can be
manipulated to target very specific energy systems. Are you a 100-m dash
specialist looking to gain an edge (in the form of maybe a tenth of a second
shaved off your time) for your upcoming meet? Are you looking to improve
your endurance for your next soccer season? Or are you looking to improve your
time in an upcoming marathon? Knowing your goals is the first step. The next is
knowing how intervals impact the energy systems in the body. There
are three major energy systems that we use:
  1. Phosphagen System
  2. Glycolysis
  3. Oxidative System
Knowing how long to let
the body recover so that the energy sources being used can “re-up” and be fully
taxed again means the difference between training that particular system and
having another energy source “step in.” (All three systems are at work at
any given point in time, but one is more dominant depending on the energy
sources available).
So what are some
good interval-to-rest ratios?
If you want to increase
power/strength–needed in short sprints and Olympic/heavy lifting–tax the
phosphagen system. The phosphagen system is mainly responsible for very
short-duration, high-intensity exercise. You’ll want a 1:12 or even a 1:20 work
interval to rest interval ratio. That means 10 seconds of hard, very high
intensity work to 120 seconds of rest. This kind of interval is best used
by elite athletes training for a very specific power improvement, and typically
done under supervision of a trainer.
For more moderate
intensities–good for improving performances in sports, like soccer, where
you need short bursts of speed and power (a sprint down the field) followed by
longer duration exercise (field positioning)–try working on the glycolytic
system. Those intervals, which can last from 15 seconds to three minutes, are
best targeted by intervals with a 1:3 or 1:5 ratio…a minute of
moderate-to-high intensity work and three to five minutes of lower intensity
recovery. If you have a solid aerobic base already, this is a good
interval system to try, but it’s suggested to have a fitness test done before
you start doing these.
If you’re looking to
improve your time for long races and endurance levels in general–good for beginners, and for
endurance athletes like marathoners–working with your oxidative system is your
best bet. Use 1:1 or 1:3 low-to-moderate intervals of work, followed by low
intensity recovery intervals. If you’re new to running, try jogging for a
minute and then walking for a minute.

Blog post by Ashley Crosby.