Adult Nationals Weekly Series #1: Introduction

Cape Cod Rehab has been
announced as the Official Sports Medicine Provider at the 2014 U.S. Adult
Figure Skating Championships.  The
competition hosted by the Yarmouth Ice Club will take place April 8-12 at the
Hyannis Youth and Community Center.

What is Adult Figure

Competitive adult figure skating
is relatively new to the skating world. 
It has really blossomed over the past decade and this year marks the
20th anniversary of the competition. 
(The U.S. Figure Skating Championships held in Boston this year to determine the Sochi
Olympic Team was celebrating 100 years!)
To be eligible to compete
as an adult, skaters must be over the age of 21 and current members of U.S.
Figure Skating.  Some skaters will
qualify for the Championships at one of three sectional qualifying competitions
whereas some events do not require a skater to qualify via sectionals.

Yarmouth Ice Club & Cape Cod Rehab

The relationship between
the Yarmouth Ice Club and Cape Cod Rehab is very unique.  Physical Therapist and Coach Briana Lackenby
appears to be the glue that holds everything together.  Briana’s knowledge of both figure skating and
sport specific injuries created a very trusting relationship both on and off
the ice.  As the ice club grew and began
hosting events, Cape Cod Rehab’s physical therapists and athletic trainers
stepped in as the medical providers at these events.  Most recent competitions include the Eastern
Sectional Figure Skating Championships in 2012 and the Nations Cup and U.S.
National Theater on Ice in 2011.  This is
the first year that Adult Nationals will be held on Cape
Cod and a few of our local skaters will be competing.

U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships

For some figure skaters,
Adult Nationals is about picking up where they left off.  For others it’s about the personal challenge
and setting goals.  One thing they can
all agree on is that it’s their love for the sport that keeps them coming back!
For the next few weeks,
the Mashpee Fitness blog will highlight some of the local figure skaters,
coaches, and officials leading up to competition weekend.  We will share with you their passion for the
sport and the obstacles they have faced along the way.
Stay tuned for next week’s
post featuring Briana Lackenby!
Blog post by Jen Skiba.