TRX Training for Runners




Everyone can
benefit from TRX suspension training. It is a great way to
core strength, as well as stability in joints and muscles. The TRX is easy
to use and can be set up almost anywhere, which makes it a great piece of
equipment to add to your workout routine. You chose how easy or how tough your
workout will be by simply changing your body angle or the length of the straps
making it a great tool for beginners as well as seasoned athletes.
TRX training for runners will allow you to focus on building up your running performance and get you
ready to take on longer runs and can actually help to improve your running
time. If it’s done right, a TRX workout can elevated your heart rate as much a
normal run would. This makes it a great tool to mix
up your workouts helping to decrease risk of injury and help with recovery.
training can help to target key areas that benefit runners. It mobilizes the
thoracic spine, increases hip mobility, and engages the glutes, which are often
ignored by runners. A strong core is important for runners and TRX training is
a great way to build up strength and stability in that area.

Try a TRX workout and see what it can do for you.
Your workout should be designed with runner-specific exercises to improve your body’s strength, stability, and
flexibility. Here are some different exercises that engage the core and work on
building strength throughout the whole body. Aim to do 8-15 reps of each
exercise and make sure that you can maintain good form and posture throughout the
entire motion.


Face away
from anchor point. Step forward with right leg. Lean into TRX at approximately a 45-degree angle.
Drive off
front leg and bring rear knee forward. Return to start position. Repeat with
other leg.


Face away
from anchor point. Place one foot into both foot cradles at once, toes in.
Plant left foot approximately three feet in front of anchor point. 
hips into lunge position. Suspended leg will move back.  Pressing down on heel of grounded foot,
return to start position. Maintain balance and upright body posture.  Repeat with other leg.


heels in foot cradles directly under anchor point. Lie on back with arms at sides and palms flat
on ground. Use core and glutes to lift hips into a bridge. 
heels toward hips while lifting hips and squeezing glutes. Return to start
position with control.

Squat Rows

anchor point with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold handles with arms extended.
Lean back and walk feet forward to appropriate resistance angle. Lower into a
Stand up
from the squat keeping shoulders pulled down and back. Pull body toward anchor
point using back and arms. Return to start position with slow, controlled

Did you know that it’s been 10 years since the TRX burst into the fitness world in 2004?  How do you incorporate the TRX into your training?

Blog post by Catie Furbush CSCS.