The Importance of an Active Rest Day

Just because you are taking a day off from the gym, doesn’t
mean you should take a day off from being active!

Giving your body a break between intense workouts is
essential to help your muscles recover, avoid overtraining and reduce the risk
of injury but don’t make the mistake of thinking your days off can be spent
sitting on the couch all day watching trashy TV—which can be a very tempting
Your rest day should be spent doing some sort of light physical
activity that will stimulate recovery without placing any undue stress on your
body. Summer is just around the corner and as the weather is starting to
warm up, make the most of your days off. Go outside, get moving, and have fun.
Take a bike ride along the canal, a walk on the beach, or
explore one of the many nature trails the Cape
has to offer. Organize a pick up game of softball going with friends and
family, just as long as the intensity stays relatively low and you don’t get
too competitive! Paddle boarding, kayaking, yoga, golf, hiking, swimming, doing
a light body weight workout or easy jog…the list is endless.

As long as you stay active, you will feel better and
maximize the progress you are making in the gym!

Blog post by Catie Furbush CSCS.