The Barefoot Running Fad

We’ve all heard of
or at least seen Vibram’s FiveFinger minimalist shoes. Maybe you’ve even tried
them. But do you know about the new barefoot running fad? Minimalist running
shoes can be a segway into barefoot running or a protective alternative, but
the theory behind the two is the same: barefoot/minimalist running can
(according to some) help prevent common running injuries while strengthening
your ankles, knees, and legs.
According to some
researchers, running sneakers, while commonly accepted as the norm, may
actually be doing more harm than good. Recent studies have shown that modern
running shoes can cause excessive pronation and put extra stress on joints such
as knees and hips. They can restrict the natural torsion of the foot and
increase the likelihood of heel striking, which is landing directly on the heel
when the foot is planted while running.
Running without
modern running sneakers, on the other hand, allows for the natural movement of
the foot. Barefoot running is, after all, the most natural way for humans to
run isn’t it? Think about it: humans have been running for survival for
thousands of years, the vast majority of those without today’s Nikes. And there
were no podiatrists or physical therapists around centuries ago to help heal
Achilles tendon problems or ITB issues; those occupations arose out of need
when these running injuries became chronic, which happened around the same time
that we as humans began doing everything in sneakers. Without sneakers, the
foot tends to heel strike less and land on the forefoot more. This allows for
better shock absorption through the stride. Running barefoot, especially on
uneven surfaces, also strengthens the feet as well as the legs as a whole.
So, barefoot running
seems like an easy fix for all of your running injuries, right? Not quite.
While there are many scientists and prominent runners who promote barefoot
running, there are still some who are hesitant about it. Depending on what kind
of surface you’re running on, running barefoot can lead to cuts and blisters on
the bottom of your feet (that’s why minimalist shoes like the FiveFinger are
more popular than regular barefoot running).
More importantly, if
you jump right into barefoot running it can lead to worse injuries than the
ones you might be trying to avoid by running barefoot in the first place. If
you’re interested in trying it out, it is important to take baby steps when
beginning barefoot running. Add on a few minutes of barefoot running on grass
to the end of your run and gradually work up to running more and more time
barefoot. Eventually, you’ll be able to do more barefoot running than shod

Blog post by Summer 2014 Intern Kim Bolick.