Yoga Pose of the Week: Legs Up the Wall

Legs Up the Wall, or Viparita Karani as it is
called in Sanskrit (the language yoga is often taught in) is a wonderful
relaxing and restorative yoga pose – and it’s as simple as it sounds!

This is a great pose to do when you’ve been on your
feet a lot or even if your legs are just feeling tired and heavy. It will
refresh your legs and feet by getting the lymph and other fluids that cause
swelling to flow in the opposite direction, increasing blood circulation and it
will gently stretch the backs of your legs. After a run or workout is an especially
good time to do this pose since it will help to drain the lactic acid from your
legs and decrease soreness.

To get into position begin sitting on the
floor with one side of your body up against the wall. Slowly roll down to the
floor so that your bottom is scooted up against the base
of the wall and your legs are extended up the wall. You may want to have a pillow
for under your head for comfort. I’ll typically set a timer and stay here for
10 minutes.

When coming down from the pose, roll over to
one side and take a moment or two on your side before you sit up so that you
don’t get lightheaded after being inverted for so long!
This pose is also very calming and is a great
time for a few minutes of quiet reflection or meditation – and for all you
migraine and headache sufferers, it’s been known to help alleviate headaches!
Legs Up the Wall is a simple pose that anyone can do
anywhere, but the benefits are amazing and well worth the few minutes of your

Blog post by Danielle Nardi.