Yoga Pose of the Week: Bridge Pose

Not only is bridge
pose a wonderful part of any yoga practice, but because of it’s many
strengthening and stretching benefits we often see it used in physical therapy
and as part of exercise routines!
One of the nice
things about bridge pose is that there are many ways to modify it to make it
either accessible or more challenging for all levels.
Lie down
on your back with your knees bent, feet flat hips distance apart
should be along your side
your core and press in to your feet and arms to lift the hips
Hold for
3-5 breaths and lower down in a controlled motion

This modified
version of the pose allows you to experience the benefits of a bridge in a more
relaxed, passive way.  To do it, place a
small block or folded blanket under your sacrum and allow your pelvis to relax
on the prop.  A restorative bridge should
be held for at least 5 minutes.
To add some
additional strengthening to your bridge pose, begin with your heels on a physio
ball.  Keeping your legs straight and
your core tight, raise your hips off the ground, hold for 3-5 breaths and lower

Blog post by Danielle Nardi.