Yoga: Make it Your Own

If you’ve taken one of my
yoga classes you’ve probably heard me say that I love looking around the room
and seeing everyone doing something different!
It’s not that I don’t want
people following along with the poses and sequences that I’m offering, but I
know that not every pose works for every person and if something doesn’t work
for you then you shouldn’t do it!  We
each come to our yoga mat with different expectations, backgrounds and
limitations and we need to respect those and work within our own comfort zone.
One of the most important,
and often most difficult, things yoga students need to learn is to listen to
your own body and do what’s right for YOU (which
may not necessarily be what’s right for the person on the mat next to
Most yoga teachers will offer
different variations of poses giving the student the power to choose what’s
right for them whether it’s a modification or taking a pose to it’s fullest
expression – and just because you may have practiced the fullest expression in
class last week doesn’t mean you need to do it again today! 
And don’t forget if you
ever need a break, child’s pose is always there for you!  (I
promise no one is judging you if you take a child’s pose in the middle of
class, in fact, I silently applaud those that do because I know they’re
listening to what their bodies need!)
One of the things I love
about yoga is that between the many different styles, the modifications
available and the use or props, it really can be accessible to everyone.  So listen to your body, listen to the options
the teacher is offering and make your practice your own!
I hope to see you soon in my Monday and Thursday
8:30am classes at Mashpee Fitness!
Blog post by Danielle Nardi.