Marathon Training Tip #3: Tackle the Hills

Whether you are signed up for a hilly
marathon like the Cape Cod Marathon or a super flat race with one epic hill
like the Cape Cod Half, it’s important to incorporate hills into your training.
Cape Cod Marathon Elevation Profile

The benefits of hill training is
simple.  Hills will make you
stronger.  More specifically:
  • Improves muscle strength.  Running uphill will strengthen your
    hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, calves and Achilles.
      Your quads take over most of the workload on
    the downhill.
      You also use a lot more
    upper body muscles running hills than running on flat roads.
  • Improves endurance.
  • Improves power as your muscles need to
    work harder to fight gravity.
  • Improves running form and promotes a
    more efficient stride.
  • Hills can often break up your
      Train on the hills to master a
    technique so there are no surprises on race day.
      Most new runners will try to surge up a hill
    and then feel totally beat at the top.
    The best advice I can give you is to not worry about your pace—focus on
    your effort.
      Maintain your effort level
    on the way up and then allow gravity to carry you downhill.

Running Uphill

When you approach a hill, think about
changing gears.  Your form will change
and your pace may slow down but your effort levels should remain the same.
First, lean into the hill.  I’m talking about a hip hinge, good posture
and no slouching.  With this you will be
running more on your toes—that’s ok, forefoot running on hills is what we want!
Next, think about your arms.  You want to aim for a shorter, faster arm
swing.  Faster arms translates into
faster leg turnover.  Some coaches will
talk about using “higher knees” on the hills but the Road Runners Club of
America stresses that the focus should be on your arms and your legs will
naturally do their job.
So if you are completely out of breath
at the top of the hill, your effort levels are too high.  Try slowing down and finding the right speed
to tackle the hills with ease.

Running Downhill

Downhill running can actually be harder
than uphill running.  It pulls up a lot
of strain on your quads and pressure on your hip and knee joints.
One big thing is that you always want to
be in control on a downhill and accelerate gradually.  Your natural reaction will be to slow down
and “put on the breaks” but that can put your knees at an even greater risk.  Instead, lean forward and allow gravity to
carry you downhill.  Use short strides
and keep your elbows tucked in.

How can you incorporate hills into your
training plan?

Good luck out there!  Happy running!
Blog post by Jen Skiba.

Coach Jen Skiba

Jen began her running career as a
middle-distance runner for Falmouth High School and has been involved with the
sport for over 12 years as a runner, official, race management, and coach.  A Mashpee Fitness trainer and Certified
Running Coach through the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA), Jen enjoys
working with runners in the gym and on the roads. “Whether you are a beginner
looking to get started running or at the intermediate level hoping to improve
your times or tackle new distances, I can help you reach your goals!”