Autumn: A Transitional Time of Year

When the sun is setting earlier and the
temps are cooling down it can be a challenge to continue with your gym routine.
Don’t let the leaves changing throw you off your game, instead take advantage
of this beautiful time of year and let it be a positive transition into the

What Can You Do?

Sign up for community events
This is the perfect time of year to sign
up for that turkey trot or reindeer romp! There are plenty of local walk/run
road races that support great causes, so get your name on the list and begin
the training today. You can do it!
Hit the Trails
Enjoy the changing leaves and crisp air
outside by taking a trail run or walk on a nature path.
Turn Fall Chores into a Workout
According to Health Status,
a 150-lb. person can burn 135 calories by raking leaves for 30 minutes. Turn
outdoor chores into a game by setting small, achievable goals to help pass time
and burn away fat
Exercise Early
With the time changing and
the sun setting earlier it can feel like a real drag to get to the gym later in
the day.  It feels later than it is and
people feel more tired than usual. Get that workout in early and relax in the
Vary Activities
With the cooler weather
setting in, it might be time to try something new at the gym. Get into a spin
class, try yoga or get a new set of exercises from a personal trainer. Set
yourself up right for the winter!

Seasonal Advice

Dress for the weather
Invest in some comfortable cool weather
workout gear. Dress in layers that can easily be shed so you can keep
exercising in the outdoors a little longer.
Drink water, Drink Tea!
Don’t ignore the bodies’ need for water
just because it’s cooler outside. Staying on top of your fluid intake can help
with both exercise recovery and appetite control. Green tea and black tea
contain antioxidants that help ward off diseases during flu season so you can
remain healthy and active as the season shifts.
Avoid Holiday Candy & Treats
According to the National Institutes of
Health, on average, non-obese adults gain about a pound a year around the
holidays. Be sure to pack lots of healthy snacks to munch on throughout the day
to help deter you from grazing on sweets that pop up in the office, at home or
at holiday parties.
Everyone dreads those holiday pounds so
think of Fall as a time to prep yourself for a healthy winter. Setting goals
and getting involved now will start your progression towards a happier,
healthier you.




Blog post by Farran Jalbert.