
are four Macro Nutrients; Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Water.

Often the most overlooked macronutrient. Our bodies are a large
majority water and it isn’t something we should deprive ourselves of.

If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated

There are numerous reasons we feel thirst: Hunger, side effects of
numerous medications, being in a hot or humid climate, exercise, and

It is suggested that we drink roughly half our body weight (pounds) in ounces. So,
if I weighed 180lbs I should drink about 90 oz of water a day.

Some modifications to this can be made depending on your exercise
level/intensity, and the climate you are in. Generally, if you are working out
at a high intensity, or sweating a lot you will be losing water, therefor you
should be drinking more than that starting 90 oz. If you live in a very hot
climate, or a humid one, you will also want to increase your water intake to
account for it.

Everyone’s body reacts differently on how we divide our intake between the
macronutrients. For some eating more carbs than fat and protein may cause them
to lose weight, where that could cause another person to gain weight. Finding
the right balance for your own body is about knowing what you are putting into
it and adjusting the balance between your macros. It may take some trial and
error but a healthy body is a happy one!

Tips & Tricks:
  • Try and drink 1/2 of your body weight (pounds) in ounces per day
  • Bring a water bottle with you to work and the gym to have on hand
  • Get an app for your phone to remind you to drink water throughout
    the day
  • Switch out a sweetened beverage for a glass of water instead
  • Try and drink a glass of water when you first get up in the
    morning to kick start your day!

Blog post by Erin Womboldt.