
Working from Home: Pandemic Edition Part 2

Many Americans recently saw a change in their daily work routine. With the current stay-at-home advisory extended, many of us are working or attending school from home. In a previous blog, we talked about how prolonged sitting can have negative short-term and long-term effects on the body. We went over sitting posture at a desk, […]

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Working from Home: Pandemic Edition Part 1

Many Americans recently saw a change in their daily work routine. With the current stay-at-home advisory extended, many of us are working, or attending school, from home. We do not know when we will be able to go back to “normal.” So, for now we find ourselves mostly at home, and if you are anything […]

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Sand Training Part 1: Ladder Agility Drills

Cape Cod offers us some of the world’s best beaches and with almost 560 miles of coastline we can use these beaches to take our agility workouts to the next level. Although research varies, training on sandy surfaces can have many benefits such as reduced impact during training on your joint surfaces, increased physical and […]

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Top 3 Yoga Stretches for Tight Hips

If you are like me, someone who enjoys exercising on a regularly, if not on a daily basis, you may discover that you often feel tightness in your hips, hamstrings, and hip flexors.  Even if you do not exercise consistently, maybe you have a job that requires sitting, bending, or kneeling often, you are also […]

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The Benefits of a Superset Workout

What Is a Superset Workout? A Superset workout is comprised of two exercises combined into one full set with no rest in-between. The Benefits of a Superset Workout Supersets may provide a metabolic benefit. Researchers have found that participants performing supersets had a higher total energy expenditure compared to the participants who did not perform […]

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Fighting Falls: Changing Risk Factors

Let’s talk about falls. The World Health Organization defines falls as “an event which results in a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower level.”1 With that definition in mind, did you know that 1 in 4 adults in the United States will sustain a fall in a given […]

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There are two types of dietary sugar:3 Naturally occurring sugars  Found naturally in foods such as fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose) Added sugars  This includes any sugars or caloric sweeteners that are added to beverages or foods during processing or preparation. Added sugars and sweeteners can include natural sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar, […]

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The Importance of Sleep for both Mental and Physical Health

We spend, on average, one third of our lives sleeping. Given the fact we spend so much time doing it, we should recognize the importance it holds in our lives. Sleep is an integral component of our mental and physical health.  Learning to sleep well will produce benefits in these realms of our lives. Physical […]

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3 Beginner Barbell Landmine Exercises

You may be asking yourself what a barbell landmine exercise is and first things first, there are no explosives involved. Landmine exercises are performed by wedging one end of a barbell either into a corner of the room or into a special floor mounted bracket that allows for greater bar stability for the weight that […]

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Mind Body Connection: How Mood Affects The Body

Neurotransmitters control virtually all of the body’s functions, from feeling happy to regulating hormones to dealing with stress. Our thoughts influence our bodies directly because the body interprets the messages coming from the brain to prepare us for whatever is expected. These neurochemical changes prepare the body to deal with perceived danger in a number of ways, such as raising blood […]

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Rules of the Road and Safety Tips for Runners & Walkers

Ahh springtime during a nationwide quarantine!  The beach parking lots may be closed but the roads are always open and it’s great to see so many new people running, walking and biking. Maybe you’ve been cooped up on the couch watching Netflix all day or sitting at a desk working from home for 8 hours […]

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Maintaining Healthy Routines in Quarantine

In these unusual times it can be difficult to maintain our regular healthy routines.  Our daily lives have been disrupted and now home is also the gym and work and our favorite coffee shop. We are accustomed to our homes being places of rest and rejuvenation and they now must also be places of productivity. […]

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Social Distancing & Staying Entertained at Home

Social distancing as described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing: Stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people Do not gather in groups Stay out of […]

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Boston’s Postponed – Now What?!

The COVID-19 Pandemic has left many of us stuck in our tracks when it comes to our spring marathon training. Being 1 month out from Boston, several of you likely had long runs of close to 20-miles under your belt. I can appreciate how disappointing this is for everyone, and wanted to give some advice […]

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There are four Macro Nutrients; Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Water. Often the most overlooked macronutrient. Our bodies are a large majority water and it isn’t something we should deprive ourselves of. Myth: If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated Facts: There are numerous reasons we feel thirst: Hunger, side effects of numerous medications, being […]

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There are four Macro Nutrients; Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Water. Fats are a main source for energy in our bodies. Exercise bouts longer than 20 minutes use fat as the main energy source. Myth: Eating fat will make me fat. Facts: Fat is an essential part of the human diet. there are different types of […]

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There are four Macro Nutrients; Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Water. Proteins are comprised of amino acid chains that are the basis of many compounds in our bodies. Myth: protein can only be found in meats and protein bars. Facts: Vegetarians and vegans do not just have to get their protein from powders or bars. Foods […]

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There are four Macro Nutrients; Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Water. Carbs are foods based upon carbon compounds and one of our body’s main sources for energy. Carbohydrates are the initial energy source for exercise bouts. Myth: all carbs are bad for me and will make me gain weight. Facts: Carbohydrates can be further separated in to […]

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Diet is Not a Bad Word

As defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary diet is habitual nourishment; food and drink regularly provided or consumed. The United States Department of Agriculture provides daily recommendations for the dietary intake of Americans. These are guidelines for designing your diet and will vary based on each person’s individual needs and activity level. Carbohydrates (Sugars, grains, Fruits, Vegetables) […]

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Maintain the Motivation

No matter where your fitness motivation comes from, a need to improve your health or the desire to improve your physique for the summer season, we can all agree that it’s much more difficult to stay committed to your wellness goals and routine when winter rolls around. Colder temperatures, the busy holiday season and lack […]

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