7 BOSU Moves for Runners

you ever tried exercises on a BOSU Balance Trainer?  This half-dome stability ball is great for
building a strong core, ankle stability and work on overall strength, balance
and coordination.  Challenge yourself by
adding a BOSU Balance Trainer to your current strength routine.  Below are 7 BOSU exercises with runners in
mind focusing on the lower body, glutes and core—all super important for
strong, fast, injury-free running!

up before trying any of these moves. 
Begin with 10 repetitions each.  Do not perform any exercise that causes or
increases pain.


Stand on the BOSU Balance Trainer, dome side up. Perform a squat, keeping good form and your weight in your heels. Stand up and repeat 10x.



Stand on the ground facing the BOSU. Take a big step forward onto the BOSU into a lunge position with knee at 90 degrees. Push off the BOSU back to the upright starting position. Repeat with the other leg, alternating for 10 repetitions.

Side Lunges

Stand on the ground next to the BOSU. Take a lateral step onto the BOSU bending that knee while keeping the other leg straight. Your weight should be in your heels with your knee behind your toes and not past your ankles laterally. Return to start position. Perform 10 repetitions then repeat on the other side.

Side to Side Push Ups

Begin in a plank position with your hands on the BOSU, dome side up. Walk one hand laterally off the BOSU and perform a push up. Walk you hands back onto the BOSU and repeat on the other side, alternating for 10 repetitions.

Plank with Leg Lifts

Begin in a plank position with your hands on the BOSU, this time with the dome facing down. Engage your glute muscles and lift one leg off the floor, foot flexed. Hold for 1-3 seconds and return to start position. Repeat with the other leg, alternating for 10 repetitions.

Plank with Mountain Climbers

Begin in a plank position with your hands on the BOSU, dome facing down. Alternate knees to chest starting slow and building to a faster pace.  Repeat 10x.

Single Leg Bridges

This exercise can be done on a BOSU with dome facing up or down. Lay on your back with knees bent and one leg on the BOSU. Lift and hold opposite leg in the air parallel with your bent knee. Engage your glutes and raise your hips off the ground. Perform 10 repetitions and repeat on the other side.

Blog post by Jen Skiba, RRCA Certified Running Coach