
Why do you exercise?

Last month we asked our members, trainers, physical therapists, and office staff “Why do you exercise?”  We received numerous responses.  Everyone has a different reason and motivation to work out.  Some of us love it.  Some of us hate it.  We know we have to do it. Below is an essay Anna Cavanaugh, a Cape […]

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5 Burdenko Strength Exercises for Runners

All athletes need to strength train but it’s an element to your training that is often missed.  Strength training will make you a stronger, faster, and more efficient runner and most importantly—strength training will help keep you injury free.  Below you will find 5 Burdenko exercises that Eric Chandler, a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist […]

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5 Burdenko Warm Up Exercises for Runners

A good warm up is important for preventing injuries and preparing your body to perform.  Next time you head out the door for a run, try these 5 Burdenko warm up exercises that Eric Chandler, a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Certified Burdenko Method Instructor, picked out with runners specifically in mind.  Warm up […]

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Beating Back the Risk of Diabetes

From an article in the NY Times Nearly 29.1 million Americans have diabetes. This year alone, almost 2 million American adults and more than 5,000 children and adolescents will learn they also have type 2 diabetes. This largely preventable disease claims nearly 200,000 lives a year. The fatality rate among affected adults is 50% higher […]

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Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Looking for a full body, cardiovascular workout?  Try indoor rowing. Rowing has become more and more popular over the past few years.  It’s a fairly simple cardiovascular activity using the entire body.  It’s easy to learn and entirely up to you to control the time, distance, and intensity.  Rowing is great for burning calories, increasing […]

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Race Week Taper Mode

Whether you’re running the beautiful and prestigious 7-mile Falmouth Road Race course in Falmouth, Massachusetts next Sunday or preparing for your goal race of the year, race week is a very important week. Let me start out by saying – nothing you do in the week (actually two weeks) before the race will benefit you […]

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Mind Gym: An Athlete’s Guide To Inner Excellence

Mind Gym: An Athlete’s Guide To Inner Excellence By Gary Mack and David Casstevens Most athletes focus simply on the physical aspect of a sport. Of course, one should do everything they can in order to be in top condition; the secret to reaching a goal has more to do than just the body. Our […]

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4 Ways to Ease Sore Hamstrings

1 Massage your hamstrings. Use a foam roll or massage stick to loosen knots in your muscles. 2 Mix up your routine. Try cross training in the pool. A little variation gives your body a break from always doing the same thing and putting stress on the same areas. 3 Adjust your training volume every […]

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Improper Training of the Abdominals

The majority of individuals that participate in exercise programs usually train their abdominal muscles. Different people have different reasons as to why they like to train abdominals. Some want that defined 6-pack, others may want to lose weight around the torso, and athletes train the core to improve their game.  The core is a big […]

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The Barefoot Running Fad

We’ve all heard of or at least seen Vibram’s FiveFinger minimalist shoes. Maybe you’ve even tried them. But do you know about the new barefoot running fad? Minimalist running shoes can be a segway into barefoot running or a protective alternative, but the theory behind the two is the same: barefoot/minimalist running can (according to […]

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The Concussion Debate

The prevalence of sports related concussions has steadily been on the rise with the increased levels of athletic participation. According to ‘’ “An estimated 1.6-3.8 million sports- and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States each year. During 2001-2005, children and youth ages 5-18 years accounted for 2.4 million sports-related emergency department (ED) visits annually, of […]

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Functional Training

The importance of maintaining a degree of functional fitness is a main determinant in reducing and preventing injury. Integrating functional training into a client’s exercise prescription will improve aspects of coordination and synergism of multiple muscle groups. By intentionally recruiting muscles simultaneously through various planes the client should experience an enhanced sense of proprioception, balance, […]

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Safety Tips for Exercising in the Heat

Summer has just begun and temperatures are rising. Exercising in hot weather puts extra stress on your body. It is important to use precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses: Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water! Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. To help your body sweat and cool down, you need to be hydrated.  […]

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Gym Etiquette

Ahh yes, the gym!  It’s a place to go to burn off steam, get your frustrations out, and focus on YOU.  When you’re there you feel like it’s all yours, you own it and you get in the zone but we all have to remember the place we love so much is a shared space. […]

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Flexibility Training on the TRX

Flexibility can and should be trained as part of your routine, just like training for strength, speed, or power. The American College of Sports Medicine just released new guidelines for flexibility exercise.             “Flexibility Exercise Adults should do flexibility exercises at least two or three days each week to improve range of motion. Each stretch […]

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Make Cardiovascular Training Fun with Intervals

I will preface this blog by saying I am NOT a runner…in fact I dislike all things cardio. At least cardio in the traditional sense. Cardio is boring. Run for more then 12 minutes and I am done. Okay, with that being said, cardiovascular training is very important and should be incorporated into your exercise routines. If […]

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Spinning Tips for New Riders

Thinking about attending your first Spin Class?  Spin is an awesome cardiovascular workout with high energy, the lights turned down and the music turned up!  Here are my tips for new riders: Arrive early. Proper bike set up is extremely important for safety and injury prevention. Class begins on time so arrive 10-15 minutes early […]

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Combating your Desk Job Slouch

There’s no question that the human body is designed to move, but with the rise in desk jobs, we spend more time sitting than moving. And with that, we come across a number of problems: lower metabolisms, low back pain, tight hip flexors, slouching posture, and weak cores among them. Combat some of the work-related […]

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Take Your Workout to the Turf

With the past winter being so terrible, I try to spend every second in the sun as I possibly can. One way is by moving my lunch time workout (or at least part of it) outside. Working out is just more fun when you go outside, especially when you work inside all day. I like to […]

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Just because you’re inflexible, doesn’t mean you have to be

Did you know that flexibility is an entirely trainable quality?  Sure, we get a little more inflexible over the years (a process called fibrosis, where thick connective tissue takes the place of some of our more pliable fibers that are getting worn out), but it doesn’t prevent us from staying flexible. In fact, the most […]

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